Wolfgang Joop ist Schirmherr des neuen Potsdamer Tierheims

Wolfgang Joop is a patron of the new Potsdam Animal Shelter

Wolfgang Joop is a patron of the new Potsdam Animal Shelter

Following the 2007 closure of the old Potsdam Animal Shelter, the city’s animals in need were left with nowhere to receive care for more than a decade. This situation is finally changing: The new Potsdam Animal Shelter, established under the patronage of Wolfgang Joop, saw its first building open at the beginning of September.

Animals are very close to Wolfgang Joop’s heart: He has three dogs himself and has long been committed to the welfare of our four-legged friends. And so it was without hesitation that he supported the construction of the new Potsdam Animal Shelter when the city’s animal welfare association approached him about the project nearly two years ago.

The designer became a member of the association right away. In addition, he has designed limited edition t-shirts, which are available for a donation of at least €50 towards financing of the project. Under his brand LOOKS by Wolfgang Joop, he also designed five face masks for the discount retail chain Aldi Süd. The entirety of his proceeds from the sales will be donated to the Potsdam Animal Shelter

"Although it is my hope that many animals will never have to be accommodated in the home, I am glad to know that after more than ten years we once again have a place in Potsdam where animals in need will be cared for," said Wolfgang Joop during his visit to inspect the new building.

The animal welfare association acquired its new 20,000 square meter premises from the city five years ago. The facility is located in the middle of the forest south of Potsdam. Housing for workers was built at the location in the 1950s, and for a time even border troops and their German Shepherds were housed there. It also served as a school for the deaf during the GDR. Up until 2001, the five buildings at the site served as accommodation for asylum seekers, but now they are gradually being renovated by the animal welfare association. The first building was completed in August, but the construction is far from finished. Much work is still needed to complete the renovation.

Wolfgang Joop engagiert im Tierheim Potsdam Wolfgang Joop im Tierheim Potsdam


Donations to help the Potsdam Animal Shelter can be made to this account:

TSV Potsdam und Umgebung e.V.
IBAN: DE22160500003501003020
Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse
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